Pooja Shah
Managing Director
Giving wings to an entrepreneur comes with great responsibility. At MIDAS we have curated the ideal eco-system with the Coaches being the air beneath every aspiring and established entrepreneurs wings to make them fly! The “Student to Founder” pathway at MIDAS enables every aspiring entrepreneur to turn his dreams into a reality. We know and believe that a mere idea is nothing by itself unless executed and brought to life. The emphasis is always to ideate, execute and launch in the real world at the earliest to begin business in totality. While undertaking my Masters in Entrepreneurship from Nottingham University, UK, I realized the big gap in India’s higher education system – the lack of formal training to become an entrepreneur. Starting one’s business requires proper direction, skill-set and a market to grow. While India is popularly thriving with job seekers, we at MIDAS create job enablers.
A unique offering at MIDAS like assessing the individual’s key strengths with the business idea leads to an Entrepreneurial Fitment, which is a need of the hour with so many startups seeing the light but only for a few days. Our constant improvisation of the delivery is our key strength where great minds in the form of Coaches, are always enhancing the Entrepreneurial Quotient of every entrepreneur.MIDAS’s greatest strength is the personalization of entrepreneurship education, as this is not something to be studied for best grades but to create the best life. I am the custodian of many dreams which walk in to our campus, only to be lighted up with immense dedication of my team and great withstanding support from all the parents, families and stakeholders.
Welcome to MIDAS where Magic is just not a word, but the very essence of how we make you feel.